Brinn's rectangular kitchen has an area of 81 square feet.
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A shape with at least 1 set of comparable sides drawn.
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The country of a rectangle is 36 hearty centimeters, and its length is 9 centimeters.
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Parallel sides traced with letter a colored pencil B
Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 28
This image demonstrates Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 28.
Compose the amount of water in all glass in.
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Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 31
This picture representes Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 31.
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Sample answer: a nurseryman has 27 daisies and 36 marigolds.
An equal number of each flower is.
The people of British capital built a rising city after the.
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Objective: use rectangles to draw letter a robot with specific perimeter measurements, and reason about the different areas that may be produced.
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This image shows Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 29.
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This image illustrates Eureka math grade 3 module 7 lesson 25.
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